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 niners and giants (approved)

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2 posters


Number of posts : 183
Registration date : 2007-06-22

niners and giants (approved) Empty
PostSubject: niners and giants (approved)   niners and giants (approved) Empty7/2/2007, 7:47 pm

Niners get:
Chris Snee
Mathias Kiwanuku

Giants get:
David Baas
Tully Banta-Cain

niners agree

Last edited by on 7/2/2007, 7:53 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Number of posts : 40
Registration date : 2007-06-26

niners and giants (approved) Empty
PostSubject: Re: niners and giants (approved)   niners and giants (approved) Empty7/2/2007, 7:49 pm

giants agree
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niners and giants (approved) Empty
PostSubject: Re: niners and giants (approved)   niners and giants (approved) Empty7/2/2007, 7:54 pm

Snee is a solid starter, will be around 85 IMO. Kiwanuka will be around an 83. While the other two players do not even it out exactly, this one seems fair enough because of the #17 pick. Although the Giants are getting a slightly worse deal, I will approve this. If anyone has any questions or comments, please contact me.
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niners and giants (approved) Empty
PostSubject: Re: niners and giants (approved)   niners and giants (approved) Empty7/2/2007, 7:55 pm

i going to leave this open to get other people opionions
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niners and giants (approved) Empty
PostSubject: Re: niners and giants (approved)   niners and giants (approved) Empty7/2/2007, 7:56 pm

ok, fine by me.
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niners and giants (approved) Empty
PostSubject: Re: niners and giants (approved)   niners and giants (approved) Empty7/3/2007, 12:55 am

dreamteam wrote:
Niners get:
Chris Snee
Mathias Kiwanuku

Giants get:
David Baas
Tully Banta-Cain

niners agree

Who approved this trade and why. i just wanna see what the explantion was. Snee is a great OL and Kiwaunak was a good young DE that is getting good. Cain was a LB that had an ok year. I mean. I just wanna know who and why.
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niners and giants (approved) Empty
PostSubject: Re: niners and giants (approved)   niners and giants (approved) Empty7/3/2007, 12:59 am

SoxNats07 wrote:
Snee is a solid starter, will be around 85 IMO. Kiwanuka will be around an 83. While the other two players do not even it out exactly, this one seems fair enough because of the #17 pick. Although the Giants are getting a slightly worse deal, I will approve this. If anyone has any questions or comments, please contact me.
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niners and giants (approved) Empty
PostSubject: Re: niners and giants (approved)   niners and giants (approved) Empty7/3/2007, 12:59 am

RpAaVtEsNS wrote:
SoxNats07 wrote:
Snee is a solid starter, will be around 85 IMO. Kiwanuka will be around an 83. While the other two players do not even it out exactly, this one seems fair enough because of the #17 pick. Although the Giants are getting a slightly worse deal, I will approve this. If anyone has any questions or comments, please contact me.

OH my apology for not reading the FINE print
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niners and giants (approved) Empty
PostSubject: Re: niners and giants (approved)   niners and giants (approved) Empty7/3/2007, 11:29 am

This is unfair Kiwanuka will be like an 85 and in madden he will continue to improve and OL doesnt matter at ALL in madden even if u have a whole OL of 90s u till get pressured in like 4 seconds. This trade isnt fair at all IMO.
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Number of posts : 183
Registration date : 2007-06-22

niners and giants (approved) Empty
PostSubject: Re: niners and giants (approved)   niners and giants (approved) Empty7/3/2007, 4:25 pm

mksadng wrote:
This is unfair Kiwanuka will be like an 85 and in madden he will continue to improve and OL doesnt matter at ALL in madden even if u have a whole OL of 90s u till get pressured in like 4 seconds. This trade isnt fair at all IMO.
how is this unfair..kiwanaku had a good season i doubt he'll b rated 85 prolli like 83..cain will be an 81,82..n if u say oline doesnt matter..tht would make this trade banta-cain+17 for kiwanuka..an 81+83>83.. i did this trade cuz i know kiwanuka and snee are better than baas and cain but thats why i gave him a FIRST ROUNDER, whihc are supposed to be valuable..IMO 17>kiwanuka,17>snee which makes this deal fair
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niners and giants (approved) Empty
PostSubject: Re: niners and giants (approved)   niners and giants (approved) Empty7/3/2007, 4:32 pm

dreamteam wrote:
mksadng wrote:
This is unfair Kiwanuka will be like an 85 and in madden he will continue to improve and OL doesnt matter at ALL in madden even if u have a whole OL of 90s u till get pressured in like 4 seconds. This trade isnt fair at all IMO.
how is this unfair..kiwanaku had a good season i doubt he'll b rated 85 prolli like 83..cain will be an 81,82..n if u say oline doesnt matter..tht would make this trade banta-cain+17 for kiwanuka..an 81+83>83.. i did this trade cuz i know kiwanuka and snee are better than baas and cain but thats why i gave him a FIRST ROUNDER, whihc are supposed to be valuable..IMO 17>kiwanuka,17>snee which makes this deal fair

17 isn't an 83....i think this trade is fair, and this is how i value the players:

Baas - 81
Banta-Cain - 82
#17 - 81


Kiwanuka - 84
Snee - 85

Three low 80's for two mid 80's is fair IMO.... not to take into account need. I think dreamteam has a great explanation, and if there are no other complaints I will approve this.
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niners and giants (approved) Empty
PostSubject: Re: niners and giants (approved)   niners and giants (approved) Empty7/3/2007, 4:44 pm

Any other opinions, mods or non-mods?
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niners and giants (approved) Empty
PostSubject: Re: niners and giants (approved)   niners and giants (approved) Empty7/3/2007, 4:44 pm

the pick is better than an 81 though, you wouldnt trade an 81 player straight up for it just like you wouldnt trade an 87 straight up for the first pick (calvin).
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niners and giants (approved) Empty
PostSubject: Re: niners and giants (approved)   niners and giants (approved) Empty7/3/2007, 4:46 pm

lebronzoom wrote:
the pick is better than an 81 though, you wouldnt trade an 81 player straight up for it just like you wouldnt trade an 87 straight up for the first pick (calvin).

so what do u think of the trade?
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niners and giants (approved) Empty
PostSubject: Re: niners and giants (approved)   niners and giants (approved) Empty7/3/2007, 4:50 pm

I think that its fair. That #17 pick will be like an 85-86 by seasons end
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niners and giants (approved) Empty
PostSubject: Re: niners and giants (approved)   niners and giants (approved) Empty7/3/2007, 4:52 pm

ok, 2 mods agree. i approve it.
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niners and giants (approved) Empty
PostSubject: Re: niners and giants (approved)   niners and giants (approved) Empty

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