Here are five burning questions, that I needed answers to in my latest interview with Yayan, the commisioner of the YML:
Q:How does it feel to manage a league once more, and how do you think the YML is doing so far?
A: I think the YML is on a great start with wobbles on the trade counsil and the trades. It could do better, but I am happy with the progress we have made.
Q: There has already been a few controversies so far, what are your thoughts on those and are you concerned by the sudden problems?
A: I am concerned with the amount of people trying to screw over new gms. I am also kind of concerned with the amount of people trying to turn over the trade council.
Q: A recent wind of trade activity has picked up, which trade do you believe to be the most beneficial to a team?
A: I would have to say the Cardinals. They havent done much activiity but ended up with Chad Johnson. Otherwise the Raiders, they have done a lot of trading to get better.
Q: It may be a little early to ask, but as of now, which GM do you believe has the most polished team, and has the good shot of winning the superbowl?
A. I would say Baltimore because they have an amazing defense that is always improving, that should give them the edge. The most polished team would have to be the Lions, come on they have CJ, Roy Williams and Mike Furrey as the WRs which says enough for its self.
Q: The NFL Draft is officially underway, and already the first round has flown by. Which GM do you believe has had the best draft?
A. I would say the Lions but they drafted CJ when they didnt need a WR, otherwise it is the Redskins.
You can sound off on this by just replying to the post.
Thanx, The Nerd